Autor Wątek: Genaologia i genetyka  (Przeczytany 13255 razy)

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Genaologia i genetyka
« dnia: Lipiec 13, 2009, »

Genaologia w pierwotnej postaci zajmuje się ustalaniem powinowactwa wśród osobników, zarówno powinowactwa poziomego (koicji) jak i pionowego (filiacji). Ustalenie to polega na wystawianiu hipotezy pokrewieństwa i na jego udokumentowaniu za pomocą dostępnych materiałów historycznych.

Niedawno brałem udział w projekcie Genographic i postanowiłem podzielić się na tym forum informacjami na temat tego projektu.

Strona projektu Genographic:

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w tym i materiały na temat ludzkiego DNA:

Genographic Project jest naukowym przedsięwzięciem realizowanym dzięki współpracy Towarzystwa National Geographic i Zespołu Badawczego IBM przy finansowym wparciu The Waitt Family Foundation. Spencer Wells, dyrektor projektu, genetyk i antropolog, z grupą naukowców, prowadzą prace mające doprowadzić do stworzenia tzw. Family Tree DNA. Oficjalną datę rozpoczęcia projektu przyjęto na kwiecień 2005 roku, a planowany termin zakończenia ustalono na 2010 rok.

Główne cele projektu zakładają - zrekonstruowanie szlaków migracyjnych człowieka, określenie momentu i drogi pierwszych ludzi z Afryki w kierunku Australii i Ameryki a także ich genetyczny opis oraz poznanie przodków Homo sapiens sprzed 60 tysięcy lat.

Każda badana próbka materiału genetycznego jest testowana pod kątem kilkunastu markerów genetycznych. Wyniki badania próbki są udostępniane za pośrednictwem mechanizmu bezpiecznego logowania, w którym wymagane jest podanie unikalnego numeru identyfikacyjnego Genographic przekazywanego uczestnikom badań.

Projekt udostępnia uczestnikom wyniki grup osób w tym samym typie haplogrupy (jest to grupa obejmująca osoby mające ten sam wzorzec markerów genetycznych).

Na stronie Wikipedii ( możemy przeczytać następującą definicję haplogrupy:
Haplogrupa - w genetyce to grupa podobnych ze względu na wspólne pochodzenie haplotypów, czyli serii alleli genów położonych w specyficznym miejscu na chromosomie.
Badanie występowania haplogrup pozwala na śledzenie migracji populacji. W genetyce człowieka najczęściej bada się haplogrupy chromosomu Y i DNA mitochondrialnego. Chromosom Y dziedziczony jest tylko w linii ojcowskiej, natomiast mtDNA tylko w linii matczynej. Na tej podstawie wyliczono, kiedy żyli ludzie, od których cała współczesna populacja odziedziczyła chromosom Y i mtDNA. "Chromosomalny Adam" żył około 60-90 tys. lat temu, a mitochondrialna Ewa około 143-200 tys. lat temu w Afryce.
Możemy się tutaj dowiedzieć kiedy człowiek opuścił Afrykę, kiedy i jakimi drogami zasiedlał kontynenty. Należy mieć na uwadze że dane dotyczące wędrówek nie zostały uzyskane dzięki badaniom genetycznym wykopalisk archeologicznych, ale dzięki badaniom dzisiejszych populacji.
Autorzy The Genographic Project uważają, iż współczesna Europa to wynik polodowcowej rekolonizacji potomków kultury Cro-Magnon (znacznik R1b) oraz migracji z rejonu Bliskiego Wschodu przybyszów ze znacznikami E3b, I oraz J, migracji ze wschodu przybyszów ze znacznikami R1a oraz N.

Dokładny opis poszczególnych haplogrup, ich podgrup, rozmieszczenia i częstości występowania - zamieszczony jest w portalu

Należy pamiętać że genetyczne badanie tożsamości lub pokrewieństwa polega wyłącznie na ustaleniu prawdopodobieństwa pokrewieństwa.

Poniżej fragment raportu z wyników badań próbki z Haplogrupą N:

Haplogroup N (LLY22)
Your Y-chromosome results identify you as a member of haplogroup N.
The genetic markers that define your ancestral history reach back roughly 60,000 years to the first common marker of all non-African men, M168, and follow your lineage to present day, ending with LLY22(G), the defining marker of haplogroup N.
If you look at the map highlighting your ancestors' route, you will see that members of haplogroup N carry the following Y-chromosome markers:
M168 > M89 > M9 > LLY22(G)

Today, your ancestors are found in northern parts of Scandinavia particularly northern Finland as well as Siberia east of the Altai Mountains, and in northeastern Europe. Many Russians are members of haplogroup N, as are the reindeer-herding Saami people of northern Scandinavia and Russia. What's a haplogroup, and why do geneticists concentrate on the Y-chromosome in their search for markers? For that matter, what's a marker?

Each of us carries DNA that is a combination of genes passed from both our mother and father, giving us traits that range from eye color and height to athleticism and disease susceptibility. One exception is the Y-chromosome, which is passed directly from father to son, unchanged, from generation to generation. Unchanged, that is unless a mutation random, naturally occurring, usually harmless change?occurs. The mutation, known as a marker, acts as a beacon; it can be mapped through generations because it will be passed down from the man in whom it occurred to his sons, their sons, and every male in his family for thousands of years. In some instances there may be more than one mutational event that defines a particular branch on the tree. What this means is that any of these markers can be used to determine your particular haplogroup, since every individual who has one of these markers also has the others. When geneticists identify such a marker, they try to figure out when it first occurred, and in which geographic region of the world. Each marker is essentially the beginning of a new lineage on the family tree of the human race. Tracking the lineages provides a picture of how small tribes of modern humans in Africa tens of thousands of years ago diversified and spread to populate the world.

A haplogroup is defined by a series of markers that are shared by other men who carry the same random mutations. The markers trace the path your ancestors took as they moved out of Africa. It's difficult to know how many men worldwide belong to any particular haplogroup, or even how many haplogroups there are, because scientists simply don't have enough data yet. One of the goals of the five-year Genographic Project is to build a large enough database of anthropological genetic data to answer some of these questions. To achieve this, project team members are traveling to all corners of the world to collect more than 100,000 DNA samples from indigenous populations. In addition, we encourage you to contribute your anonymous results to the project database, helping our geneticists reveal more of the answers to our ancient past. Keep checking these pages; as more information is received, more may be learned about your own genetic history.

Your Ancestral Journey: What We Know Now
M168: Your Earliest Ancestor
Fast Facts
Time of Emergence: Roughly 50,000 years ago
Place of Origin: Africa
Climate: Temporary retreat of Ice Age; Africa moves from drought to warmer temperatures and moister conditions
Estimated Number of Homo sapiens: Approximately 10,000

Tools and Skills: Stone tools; earliest evidence of art and advanced conceptual skills
Skeletal and archaeological evidence suggest that anatomically modern humans evolved in Africa around 200,000 years ago, and began moving out of Africa to colonize the rest of the world around 60,000 years ago. The man who gave rise to the first genetic marker in your lineage probably lived in northeast Africa in the region of the Rift Valley, perhaps in present-day Ethiopia, Kenya, or Tanzania, some 31,000 to 79,000 years ago. Scientists put the most likely date for when he lived at around 50,000 years ago. His descendants became the only lineage to survive outside of Africa, making him the common ancestor of every non-African man living today. But why would man have first ventured out of the familiar African hunting grounds and into unexplored lands? It is likely that a fluctuation in climate may have provided the impetus for your ancestors' exodus out of Africa. The African ice age was characterized by drought rather than by cold. It was around 50,000 years ago that the ice sheets of northern Europe began to melt, introducing a period of warmer temperatures and moister climate in Africa. Parts of the inhospitable Sahara briefly became habitable. As the drought-ridden desert changed to a savanna, the animals hunted by your ancestors expanded their range and began moving through the newly emerging green corridor of grasslands. Your nomadic ancestors followed the good weather and the animals they hunted, although the exact route they followed remains to be determined. In addition to a favorable change in climate, around this same time there was a great leap forward in modern humans' intellectual capacity. Many scientists believe that the emergence of language gave us a huge advantage over other early human species. Improved tools and weapons, the ability to plan ahead and cooperate with one another, and an increased capacity to exploit resources in ways we hadn't been able to earlier, all allowed modern humans to rapidly migrate to new territories, exploit new resources, and replace other hominids.

M89: Moving Through the Middle East
Fast Facts
Time of Emergence: 45,000 years ago
Place: Northern Africa or the Middle East
Climate: Middle East: Semi-arid grass plains
Estimated Number of Homo sapiens: Tens of thousands
Tools and Skills: Stone, ivory, wood tools
The next male ancestor in your ancestral lineage is the man who gave rise to M89, a marker found in 90 to 95 percent of all non-Africans. This man was born around 45,000 years ago in northern Africa or the Middle East.

The first people to leave Africa likely followed a coastal route that eventually ended in Australia. Your ancestors followed the expanding grasslands and plentiful game to the Middle East and beyond, and were part of the second great wave of migration out of Africa. Beginning about 40,000 years ago, the climate shifted once again and became colder and more arid. Drought hit Africa and the grasslands reverted to desert, and for the next 20,000 years, the Saharan Gateway was effectively closed. With the desert impassable, your ancestors had two options: remain in the Middle East, or move on. Retreat back to the home continent was not an option. While many of the descendants of M89 remained in the Middle East, others continued to follow the great herds of buffalo, antelope, woolly mammoths, and other game through what is now modern-day Iran to the vast steppes of Central Asia.
These semi-arid grass-covered plains formed an ancient "superhighway" stretching from eastern France to Korea. Your ancestors, having migrated north out of Africa into the Middle East, then traveled both east and west along this Central Asian superhighway. A smaller group continued moving north from the Middle East to Anatolia and the Balkans, trading familiar grasslands for forests and high country.

M9: The Eurasian Clan Spreads Wide and Far
Fast Facts
Time of Emergence: 40,000 years ago
Place: Iran or southern Central Asia
Estimated Number of Homo sapiens: Tens of thousands
Tools and Skills: Upper Paleolithic

Your next ancestor, a man born around 40,000 years ago in Iran or southern Central Asia, gave rise to a genetic marker known as M9, which marked a new lineage diverging from the M89 Middle Eastern Clan. His descendants, of which you are one, spent the next 30,000 years populating much of the planet. This large lineage, known as the Eurasian Clan, dispersed gradually over thousands of years. Seasoned hunters followed the herds ever eastward, along the vast super highway of Eurasian steppe. Eventually their path was blocked by the massive mountain ranges of south Central Asia?the Hindu Kush, the Tian Shan, and the Himalayas. The three mountain ranges meet in a region known as the "Pamir Knot," located in present-day Tajikistan. Here the tribes of hunters split into two groups. Some moved north into Central Asia, others moved south into what is now Pakistan and the Indian subcontinent. These different migration routes through the Pamir Knot region gave rise to separate lineages. Most people native to the Northern Hemisphere trace their roots to the Eurasian Clan. Nearly all North Americans and East Asians are descended from the man described above, as are most Europeans and many Indians.

M175: The East Asian Clan
Fast Facts
Time of Emergence: 35,000 years ago
Place of Origin: Central or East Asia
Climate: Ice Age
Estimated Number of Homo sapiens: Approximately 100,000
Tools and Skills: Upper Paleolithic

Your genetic trail ends with an ancestor carrying marker M175 who was born around 35,000 years ago in Central or East Asia. This ancestor was part of the M9 Eurasian clan that, encountering impassable mountain ranges, migrated to the north and east. These early Siberian hunters continued to travel east along the great steppes, gradually crossing southern Siberia. Some of them, perhaps taking advantage of the Dzhungarian Gap used thousands of years later by Genghis Khan to invade Central Asia, made it into present-day China. East Asia had been home to Homo erectus for nearly a million years, but traces of occupation disappear from the archaeological record around 100,000 years ago. The earlier hominids may have abandoned the region or died off due to a steadily deteriorating climate. By the time your ancestors arrived in China and East Asia, the Ice Age was once again advancing toward glacial maximum. Encroaching ice sheets and Central Asia's enormous mountain ranges effectively corralled them in East Asia. There they evolved in isolation over the millennia. Today, some 80 to 90 percent of all people living east of Central Asia's great mountain ranges are members of haplogroup O, the East Asian Clan. The marker M175 is nearly non-existent in western Asia and Europe. There were actually two waves of migration into this region. While your ancestors populated the region from the north, another group approached from the south. Descendants of the Coastal Clan?people who left Africa perhaps 60,000 years ago and headed along the coastline toward Australia?may have reached East Asia by 50,000 years ago. The Coastal lineage is found at a frequency of 50 percent in Mongolia, and is common throughout northeast Asia. The present composition of East Asia still shows evidence of this ancient north-south divide, showing a clear distinction in genetic heritage between northern and southern Chinese.

LLY22G: Siberian Marker
Fast Facts
Time of Emergence: Within the last 10,000 years
Place of Origin: Siberia
Climate: Present Day

Estimated Number of Homo sapiens: Tens of millions Tools/Skills: Some hunter-fishers, some farmers Language: Chiefly found in Uralic-speaking populations One of the men in a group of Eurasian Clan peoples who traveled north through the Pamir Knot region gave rise tothe LLY22G marker, which defines your lineage, haplogroup N. He was probably born in Siberia within the last 10,000 years.Today his descendants effectively trace a migration of Uralic-speaking peoples during the last several thousand years. This lineage has dispersed throughout the generations, and is now found in southern parts of Scandinavia as well as northeastern Eurasia. The cultures of Uralic-speaking people are extremely diverse. Most Uralic-speaking peoples in northern Europe have been farmers; the Hungarians, in their earliest history, were horse nomads of the steppe. Many Russians from the far north are also members of haplogroup N. The Saami, an indigenous people of northern Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Russia, traditionally supported themselves with hunting and fishing, their movement dictated by the reindeer herds. There may be as few as 85,000 Saami left today. Small indigenous communities like this are being forced by habitat reduction (e.g., mining and forestry) and the search for jobs to join the mainstream of today's globalized world. Projects like the Genographic Project may be our last opportunity to capture the data that will reveal some of our earliest migration patterns. This is where your genetic trail, as we know it today, ends. However, be sure to revisit these pages. As additional data are collected and analyzed, more will be learned about your place in the history of the men and women who first populated the Earth. We will be updating these stories throughout the life of the project.

Zestaw do pobrania próbki DNA.

Haplogrupa N.

Migracja Haplogrupy N.

Częstotliwość występowania określonych Haplogrup.

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Projekt badań DNA  chromosomu Y dla rodziny Ossolińskich
« Ostatnia zmiana: Lipiec 13, 2009, wysłana przez gsgalezowski »