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Projekt LDS (Mormoni)

Zaczęty przez tracer, Lipiec 13, 2006,

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek

0 użytkowników i 6 Gości przegląda ten wątek.



Na poczatku jesieni ubieglego roku otrzymalem tekst, ktorego tresc zamieszczam ponizej.
Angielski, jak  zauwazylem, jest tutaj jezykiem znanym w zwiazku z tym nie ma potrzeby na tworzenie  virtualnej makulatury. :)
Niemniej, w skrocie;dygitalizacja zasobow mormonow, wraz z  opisem/instrukcja, jak do tego dotrzec.

Zainteresowany tym projektem postanowilem sprawdzic czy Polska tez jest objeta tym projektem.

A oto co zebralem:

1.) Utah Genealogical Society, potwierdza o czynionych przygotowaniach do rozpoczecia pilotarzowego projektu rejestrowania zasobow metrykalnych (format DVD) w jednej z poludniowo-wschodnich diecezji.

2.) Po wczesniejszej rejestracji udostepnienie zasobow w internecie:
darmowy indeks, oraz platny calkowity akt metrykalny.( cena nieznana)

3.) Niezbedna zgoda oraz umowa  z odpowiednimi  instytucjami(Kosciol – AP) jest sprawa kluczowa tego projektu.

4.) Sprzet, ktorym  dysponuje LDS (scan rolki microfilmu 35mm, zabiera ok.8 min) gwarantuje szybki transform istniejacych juz zapisow.(microfilmy)

5.) “Big buck” dla zainteresowanych aktorow.  :D

Moje pytanie:

Jak wyglada przyjecie oraz progress tego projektu , przez odpowiednie instancje (AP) w Polsce?

Serdecznie pozdrawiam,

Just passing by,

Tracer  :D

Ps. zrodla; nieoficjalne.

As we have been discussing, the LDS Family History Library
has announced that it has begun the process of digitizing and making available on the Internet all of the Family History books in their collection. These are primarily books in the "929.273 Series" that  are currently housed on the first floor of the Family History Library (previously housed on the fourth floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building). At the present time (September 2005), about 5000 books  have been digitized and are available, and they have announced that  they are adding about 100 titles a week to the on-line collection.  Copyright  issues are playing a role in determining the order in which  they progress through this task; books out of copyright are being  done first.
As these Family History books are digitized and placed on-line, an entry is being placed in the Family History Library on-line catalog with a hyperlink to the digitized image. By going to the FHL On-Line Catalog, you can search for a specific name, find a book that has  been indexed using the name, and view it on-line, flipping through  the pages as separate "pdf" images, much the same as if you were on  the first floor of the Family History Library. Of course, the  indexing that is available through the FHL Catalog is only as good as  the human indexers made it; typically they only include the "top" 4  to 6 names that appear
in each book in their indexing efforts. But there is even better news! The digitized images of these Family History books are actually being stored on the electronic servers at Brigham Young University in  Provo, Utah. By going directly to the BYU web site to view the  images, there are several additional possibilities that provide  genealogists functionality that they have never had before. You are now able to do full-text searches on each book, and on every digitized book in the collection. Now you can locate the small two- paragraph entry on Grandpa Ebnezer McGarrah that is buried in one of  the Family History books that you would have otherwise never thought  to look at before. This can open up a huge new possibility for  extending lines, getting past brick walls, and uncovering new

How to Find The Digitized Images?

Go to the web site of the Harold B. Lee Library at BYU at http://lib.byu.edu and on their home page, follow the links "Find Other Materials/Electronic/On Line Collections at BYU". Click on the "Text Collections" tab and select the "Family History Archive" from the  list of collections that are displayed. You would then normally want  to use the "Search All" feature with the "Search Full Text" box  checked, although the "Advanced Search" will allow very high-powered  searches that will allow certain phrases to be searched for and other  words to be used to exclude potential hits. As you make selections from the"hits" that are displayed, you will need to use the "Click  Here to View Item" button near the top of the scree  n to display the actual image of the page. You can page through the entire document  using the index displayed on the left side of the screen. Each page may be printed after being viewed. One interesting sidelight is, when you are at the first web page for the Family History Archive (the page that lets you begin a search), click on the "Browse the Collection" button. This will display every Family History book that has been digitized and is available in the collection. You can scroll through this list much the same as if you were walking up and down the stacks at the library. At the top of the first page of the search results, it displays the number of hits, which in this case) is the number of books in the collection. If you keep track of this number, you can get a pretty good idea of how fast they are adding titles to the collection as you revisit the web site from time to time. I think you will want to visit this site often as the collection grows!


O ile wiem, ale jestem relatywnie młodym pracownikiem AP Kraków, mormoni zmikrofilmowali nasze akta metrykalne, za porozumieniem. Mikrofilmy wykonywało ADM.
Nie wiem, jak była sformułowana umowa.
Jakiś czas temu chodziły słuchy, że przymierzają się znów do jakiejś akcji(?), ale na razie nic się nie dzieje.


Mormoni, o ile pamietam, zaczeli swoje projekty w Polsce w 1966 r. Ostatnie znane mi prace, wykonywali na poczatku lat 90-tych ubieglego stulecia. Bylo to w dalszym ciagu microfilmowanie. To, o czym nadmienilem, jest nowym projektem, dotyczacym zapisow nowa technika, cyfrowa.

Just passing by
