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Archiwa i naukowcy

Zaczęty przez Anna Sobczak, Styczeń 21, 2016,

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek

0 użytkowników i 1 Gość przegląda ten wątek.

Anna Sobczak

Archiwa w Wielkiej Brytanii badają potrzeby naukowców:

"We are running an online survey<http://www.djsresearch.co.uk/NationalArchivesResearchSurvey> to find out more about the needs of academics and researchers, the ways in which we might work more closely with the academic and scholarly communities, and to help inform the development of our services.
If you are an academic, early career researcher, postgraduate student or independent researcher, we would like to hear from you. The survey takes around 10-15 minutes to complete and will cover, amongst other things:

  *   Key changes and challenges in the research and academic landscapes in the next five years
  *   Ways in which The National Archives might support and work more closely with academics, research students, research bodies, and the scholarly community
  *   Identification of perceptions of The National Archives and its role
This project is part of our wider commitment to advancing knowledge through academic liaison and interdisciplinary research, as set out in our four-year business plan, Archives Inspire 2015-19<http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/about/our-role/plans-policies-performance-and-projects/our-plans/archives-inspire/>."

Ciekawe, co ankieta wykaże.
Anna Sobczak
